Blessing Corner Ministries Outreach

Community Events

We host a plethora of community enrichment events throughout the year to meet our community needs. Recipients from our annual community events are deserving, underserved members of the Kern County community.

Grocery, Meals & Household Items

Anyone, and we mean ANYONE, that is in need of a hot meal, food basket, or clothing is welcome to stop by for assistance.

Senior Services

We have adopted several neighboring housing communities where we currently serve 400 seniors. These visits are a very welcomed time by these often-forgotten individuals, who are usually found lonely and alone. We provide holiday hot meals, food baskets, toiletries, and other day to day necessities.

Job Services

Our sincerest desire is to see those that benefit from our services become gainfully employed. To this end, we are partnered with several human services provider agencies. These collaborations allow us the opportunity to train welfare to work parents to become gainfully employed.

Outreach in Action